So our precious little girl had her first wellness visit.
It was supposed to be with Dr. Mark but he wasn't in today
and we didn't want to wait to long incase Miss Ava wanted to see the boys in blue again.
So we saw Dr. Kate, She was a sweet dark haired 33 week pregnant gal.
All I thought was whats up with all the pregnant girl doctors. She was nice enough.
Of course they measured her head- 14 inches and weighed her 6lbs 14 oz- thats 10oz more
then her birth weight!! Were on the right track!
They tested her "monkey feet" and her grip and Dr Kate said she was STRONG!
Then all of a sudden Dr. Kate said we are gonna test her reaction reflex and I dont want to worry you. I was like Okay? And boy did she get PISSED! She fisted up, her face turned red, she obviously passed that. All in all a good day at the Dr. We go back in 2 weeks for another check up a little bit sooner then the rest of the babies but we wanna make sure everything is going as planned. :) Happy and Healthy

We werent going to give Miss Ava a pacifier but both NICUs highly reccomended one and she has a good suck so we gave it. Plus we figured better a pacifier then her hand... we can at least take the pacifier away later. Here she is trying to grab it back from me looking all mad at the world...

And here she is seconds later LOVING her paci!

Not to mention... she got this sweet little outfit from my mom, her grandma. And it has the funniest little pockets on her butt.. come to find out shes more like daddy then we thought.. candy in her back pocket ALREADY!
Now I just have to figure out what to do with my hair.. I was going to grow it but its driving me nuts. ::SIGH::
Ava looks adorable in that outfit!! Give me some credit, I picked it out!! lol!