So lets just say I LOVE cloth diapers.
They don't have all the nasty chemicals that are in disposables
that irritate bums
I don't have to drag out the diaper genie garbage
(not that I ever really did Tony did)
There is some good environmental stuff about it too :)
We use bumGenius 3.0
(right now we have 1 blue 2 yellow, 2 white, 2 green, 2 light pink (not pictured) and 2 dark pink (not pictured) and one blueberry)
They are a pocket diaper
I chose these because they will grow with her.. 

We will not have to purchase any more diapers if we don't want to
We currently have 12 bumGenius 3.0s in rotation with another 10 on order and coming
any day.
We also have one blueberrys (the brown chocolate one with pink polka dots)
They are a little bit more expensive then the BGs but they are also a tad more bulky
We are also purchasing 12 prefolds and 3 or 4 thirsties to throw in to rotation
Overall I love cloth diapering so far, its easy and convient I love that she
no longer gets diaper rashes :)
Our next step is cloth baby wipes which are also on order and I have
a girlfriend who showed me how to make them "pop" up through the
disposable wipes dispenser.
If you are looking to purchase I highly reccomend Nicole
she offers 20 percent off of 12 or more diapers
she actually did a special order for some stuff she didnt have and offered me 20 percent off those too!
She has answered ALL my questions and believe me there has been ALOT!
The store is small but it is family run, she is a fellow stay at home mom and her and her husband run the website.
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