How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Size of baby: Cucumber
Average size: 15 inches 2.2 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8lb weight gain in 5 weeks to make it an even 10 lbs total
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular jeans some maternity tops
Movement: Daily
Sleep: I wake myself up from snoring.. WONDERIOUS and I am tired come 11 and 2 hahah
What I miss: consistent sleep
Cravings: French Fries
Symptoms: Other then weight gain and some one kicking me?!?!? Tiredness
Best Moment this week: Blood pressure is still good.. but hes going to keep watching it, because of the pre eclapmsia from last time. Dr has been checking for swelling already so I feel he is SO much more competent then my last dr.
I failed my 1 hour glucose test so I have to go in for a 3 hour. Why they call it a 3 hour when it takes 4 and a half I will never figure out but.. yes that should be fun. (SARCASM) I had to do it with Ava so I am not super surprised, even though every pregnancy is different. However I would have rather passed (under 130) or Failed (over 200) I came in at 142.. so my GUESS is i am going to piddle around for the 3 hour and pass it like I did with Ava.