So I've been pretty obsessed , to say the least, about my strollers. I really liked my Instep Safari for Ava and her Chicco umbrella stroller, So I had/have a lot to live up to. I knew right away when I saw the Joovy Ergo Caboose that I NEEDED to have it. There wasn't even a doubt in my mind. The 400 dollar price tag made me want to throw up. Especially because I would want a jogging stroller for our longer walks and of course I HAD to be looking at a BOB. Well Sometimes I get these CRAZY ideas that I can just fly where ever and pick up a stroller.. So I looked on craigslist for about 2 months and I kid you not, just when I gave up hope, there it was! A Joovy Ergo in Las Vegas... lots of things ran through my mind. Can I get her to hold it for me? Do I tell her I don't live in Nevada, but can be there TOMORROW? It just so happens my mom was home, she lives in Las Vegas, she is NEVER home. She was so quick to go pick it up it was great. Half Price and barely used! SCORE. We ended up buying a purple optional cushion for the stroller as the previous owner didn't use that option but I wanted to make it comfy for the girls, and the seat back on the jump seat would be extended about two inches higher for Ava when shes old enough to use that area.
This is without the purple cushions
With the purple cushions |
Sitting on back jumpseat
On the Standing Bar |
I went back and forth for about a month on the Bumbleride Indie Twin and a BOB Duallie. The Bumbleride is not a true running stroller, but who am I kidding I'm not going to run, maybe a light jog every now and then but we do go on LOOOONG walks. I finally settled on the Bumbleride basically because I like that each kid gets their own foot spacing, BOB is more of a shared spacing. Its a bit more open so the girls can look around more. It looks pretty :) It comes with the baby bumper bars and the same bar is used for the car seat, so I wouldn't have to purchase something else. I ended up finding it on Ebay saving 200 dollars brand new, I am happy with the price and the decision, so far. Baby on Grand in Hopkins had the twin out so I got to actually see it... Ava really liked it and that's really all that matters. By the way if you are looking at higher end double strollers Baby on Grand in HOPKINS is the place.. I kid you not... the lady took me upstairs to a separate area and they literally had EVERY double stroller to mankind, iCandy, Phil and Teds, Mountain buggy, Orbit. I could go on and on and on and on.
On the quest for trying to actually see the bumbleride. Ava and I ran out to USA baby in Richfield. When we pulled up it was a bit. . . not what I pictured. However a friend of mine, Kim, said that is how she felt but when you get in its totally different.. and Is it ever. Its a really great store and they also have a lot of strollers (not like Baby on Grand in Hopkins) but we didn't know that at the time. They no longer carried the bumbleride in the store only online so me and Ava went to lunch. She was melting and when a toddler melts you quickly find a way to freeze it! Its usually in the form of lunch, a snack or a song. We went to Noodles & Co, this is where the baby dolls come in to play. She is ATTACHED to her baby snow white. Cant go anywhere without it. Runs around the house with it. Feeds it. Wipes it down. Changes her diapers. Its such a mess. So there we were with baby Snow White eating with us. I felt AWESOME. Everyone around was kinda chuckling when Ava wiped her face down after "eating". They thought it was cute.
Baby Snow White at Noodles & Co |
Notice how she is holding her over her shoulder. Ha she cracks me up! |
Sunday night into Monday Late Afternoon it snowed. Since it was above 30ish we put our snow pants on and went out to get the first pass done while dad slept for work. We were outside probably for about 35-40 min then she must have gotten cold fingers and cheeks and started whining so we came in. She really likes being outside and as long as the wind isn't whipping around I don't mind taking her out to play.
Hurry up mom. Lets GO!
Going PLACES in my cozy coupe |

Hi Christin!
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