December 9, 2009

Very late 3 month old :)

Ava turned 3 months old ON thanksgiving!

Shes pretty much the bee's knees :)

I don't know how much she weighs as there isn't a Dr's appointment this month;

so I'm going to guess 13 lbs.

Thanksgiving was quite interesting

it was a LOOOOONG day.

At the first house she got overwhelmed RIGHT away and cried

and cried and cried and cried

I thought ooooh my poor baby what have I done.

After her first feeding there she was back to normal.. smiles and everything.

She loves her big cousins

Steven, Zach, and Jayden

Jayden LOVES her.. gives her kisses and hugs its the cutest thing you've ever seen

As far as milestones..

She rolls from belly to back.. not all the time..

or even when your looking HA!

She swirls around in her crib.. if you place her feet down

at diaper change time she feet up

She loves her fisher price melodies and lights activity mat

and she has started taking a liking to the exersaucer

Shes a thumb sucker :( but really how do you stop that

She did her first baby full on push up last week

and her mini push up at the end of last month

Pictures don't do this little one justice :)

November 2, 2009

Cloth Diapering :)

So lets just say I LOVE cloth diapers.

They don't have all the nasty chemicals that are in disposables
that irritate bums

I don't have to drag out the diaper genie garbage

(not that I ever really did Tony did)

There is some good environmental stuff about it too :)

We use bumGenius 3.0

(right now we have 1 blue 2 yellow, 2 white, 2 green, 2 light pink (not pictured) and 2 dark pink (not pictured) and one blueberry)
They are a pocket diaper
I chose these because they will grow with her..

We will not have to purchase any more diapers if we don't want to
We currently have 12 bumGenius 3.0s in rotation with another 10 on order and coming
any day.
We also have one blueberrys (the brown chocolate one with pink polka dots)
They are a little bit more expensive then the BGs but they are also a tad more bulky
We are also purchasing 12 prefolds and 3 or 4 thirsties to throw in to rotation
Overall I love cloth diapering so far, its easy and convient I love that she
no longer gets diaper rashes :)
Our next step is cloth baby wipes which are also on order and I have
a girlfriend who showed me how to make them "pop" up through the
disposable wipes dispenser.
If you are looking to purchase I highly reccomend Nicole
she offers 20 percent off of 12 or more diapers
she actually did a special order for some stuff she didnt have and offered me 20 percent off those too!
She has answered ALL my questions and believe me there has been ALOT!
The store is small but it is family run, she is a fellow stay at home mom and her and her husband run the website.

October 26, 2009

I am 2 Months Old Today

I am 2 Months Old Today!

(Not the best picture lol but she is only 2 months old)

I Weigh 9 lbs and 13 oz

I am 21 inches long

I wear newborn and some 0-3 month clothing

I am in a newborn or size one diaper

(we are becoming an eco friendly family and using cloth diapers this week!

Wait for that post later in the week!)

I eat 4 oz of Mommys milk

every 2 1/2 to 4 hours during the day and every 3 to 5 hours at night

I sleep in my own room in my amazing crib!

I smile when I am happy now and frown when Im sad

I like looking at myself in mirrors

(cue Carly Simon Your So Vain)

I am sleeping through the night with one feeding and one diaper change

I have a regular bedtime that I made for myself between 7:30pm and 8:30pm

I like starring out the windows

I Coo and Ahh when Im happy

Speaking of finding my voice did we talk about how I get bottle service delieverd to me?

I have this AMAZING talent that I scream so loud when daddy is sleeping he comes to make sure everyone is alive!

I blow raspberries

I suck on my hands when my Nuk is not available

I had my first phone conversation with grandma when she was in New York,
I had the biggest grin on my face! I must remember her voice.

Oh and on a different note ... we celebrated Grandmas birthday via Email. Check out the cake we got her!

(dont mind mommys unbrushed no make up face! )

October 17, 2009

Its Been Awhile...

I Totally wanted to update once a week but I seem to get busy around here fast!

The week of October 5th we went to Duluth. It was going to just be an overnight stay. Well needless to say we didnt leave till thursday!

My mom flew in and we drove up there on Monday.

It was Kates birthday and she was surprised to find a baby on her doorstep :) Miss Ava!

Miss Ava must have loved it up in duluth because when I tell you she almost slept through

the night you might have not believed me.

She would get up once a night for a late night feeding and then sleep till 7am

It was the start of a wonderful thing.

It was also the first time Uncle Brian got to meet Ava.

Ava sure loves her Uncle Brian, he visited with her on the ground
and he held her and she would just STARE at him. I think its the start of a beautiful friendship.

September 26, 2009

One Month Old!


Everyone said the next year would go by fast, but who knew it would go by this fast.

I weigh 7lbs 14 ounces

I wear Newborn Size Clothes

I drink 3 ounces of milk every 3-5 hours

I follow Mommy and Daddy with my eyes

I reach for, but can not grasp :), my nuk and bottle

I dirty approximately 10-17 diapers a day

I sleep in increments of 2-5 hours

With awake periods of 1 hour to 3 hours

I sleep in a bassinet next to mom and enjoy my baby crack machine while sleeping (white noise)

I have specific cries and faces that tell you what I want and need

I'm easily startled by loud noises and bright light

My first outing was on September 23rd, We went to Super Target

Today we went to Babies R Us and Chilis where some loud kids were annoying me

I enjoy 40 Min Walks and my bouncy seat

Check out my new "fuggs" for the fall :)

September 20, 2009

Some New Pictures

Heres when Grandma was so kind to stay with us and visit.. So Ava was 2 weeks old in these pictures

This was taken the day grandma was leaving :(

I cried after I dropped her off at the airport

Daddy and Daughter :) We need to take more pictures of all of us...

And this is my Mini Tony today.. at 3 weeks and 4 days.. Yep same outfit.. she only has 4 outfits that fit her right now.. shes in NB stuff and found it silly to buy any more things.. I must happen to take pictures the days shes in this one LOL

September 14, 2009

Cant believe it will be 3 weeks on wednesday.

I cant believe Miss Ava will already be 3 weeks on Wednesday! Time has gone by soo fast already. She looks like a completely different baby then she did when we first saw her.
Everything has been going well.. She lost her cord last week.. she has the weirdest little belly button... I guess I figured baby's belly buttons look like ours.. I dont know if its an innie or an outtie.. My mom says its and inbetweenie.
We still haven't finished re staining her rocking chair for the nursery or hanging up pictures and decor. Although she has this fancy bedroom she sleeps in our room in a bassinet type thing per recommendation of St Johns. I kinda like it actually.. I thought I was going to be a womb to room mom but now that shes next to me I couldn't imagine her being all the way across the house.
Her reflux has been good so far today. Knock on wood.. She hasn't had anymore blue/purple spells really and we are working on slowing down on our eating. Taking time, talking, burping , whatever we can do to slow her down a little bit.
We also inclined her mattress which has been the biggest savior to date. Shes actually sleeping now!
We have some new pictures I just have to wait for Tony to re size them so check back hopefully by Wednesday :) Or maybe I should just learn how to do it and add it to my list of growing chores that seem to pile up daily at our house. :)

September 8, 2009

Paging Dr. Mark, Paging Dr. Mark.

So our precious little girl had her first wellness visit.
It was supposed to be with Dr. Mark but he wasn't in today
and we didn't want to wait to long incase Miss Ava wanted to see the boys in blue again.
So we saw Dr. Kate, She was a sweet dark haired 33 week pregnant gal.
All I thought was whats up with all the pregnant girl doctors. She was nice enough.
Of course they measured her head- 14 inches and weighed her 6lbs 14 oz- thats 10oz more
then her birth weight!! Were on the right track!
They tested her "monkey feet" and her grip and Dr Kate said she was STRONG!
Then all of a sudden Dr. Kate said we are gonna test her reaction reflex and I dont want to worry you. I was like Okay? And boy did she get PISSED! She fisted up, her face turned red, she obviously passed that. All in all a good day at the Dr. We go back in 2 weeks for another check up a little bit sooner then the rest of the babies but we wanna make sure everything is going as planned. :) Happy and Healthy

We werent going to give Miss Ava a pacifier but both NICUs highly reccomended one and she has a good suck so we gave it. Plus we figured better a pacifier then her hand... we can at least take the pacifier away later. Here she is trying to grab it back from me looking all mad at the world...

And here she is seconds later LOVING her paci!

Not to mention... she got this sweet little outfit from my mom, her grandma. And it has the funniest little pockets on her butt.. come to find out shes more like daddy then we thought.. candy in her back pocket ALREADY!

Now I just have to figure out what to do with my hair.. I was going to grow it but its driving me nuts. ::SIGH::

September 7, 2009

First Bath at Home

We decided it was time to get de-germed when we got home from the Children's Hospital NICU.
Daddy sure knows what he is doing thanks to Miss Holly from St. Johns NICU.
He totally took over the whole bathing process :)
All that was left to do was for mommy to hold and warm me!

Welcome to the World Miss Ava!

Ava Suzanne Murphy

August 26th 2009

6 lbs 4 oz
19 1/2 inches

September 5, 2009



We decided to start a blog, we are so 2009. I know its hard to imagine but here we are.
On this site we will update you all on our little Ava as days and years go by. And keep you informed on our family. Not to mention its a great tool for you all to see our little one as we recently were blessed enough to come to a conclusion on our "camera hunting". We ended up with the Nikon D5000 and we are still perfecting our craft.