We finally painted Ava's room.
When we were moving from the townhouse we didn't think it would be a great idea to do a color theme or anything like that. We wanted it the townhouse to be a nice pallet for the next people to work with, and not be turned off by a color or style we had in her room. It took us getting her toddler bed to get to work!
We kept the builders tan color on top (I really like that tan color) and we knew we didn't want pink. So we went with purple. I was apprehensive at first. We had painted a bathroom purple and it was too dark and too purple and just yea... It scared me.
This was actually my 3rd color choice. My goal was the color of the believe sign, I think we nailed it. The white line? I envisioned it in my head.. but after I saw it I was not liking it.
It has since grown on me.
This pillow, I found at Home Goods MANY months ago. Id say about 10 months ago. I was digging through their "treasures" and I found these cute pillows, I was like whats the chance they have Ava? 4 Pillows in.. there it was! AVA. I had to get it. She snuggles the pillow and loves on it, but doesn't sleep with it yet.
Scoping out the new bed |
The toddler bed had been put together for almost 4 maybe 5 days before it was her first night in it. Sunday January 2nd. I wont lie it was NOT how I pictured it. We had a long day with only a 30 min nap in the car. A birthday party. Then we had a great dinner visitor :D. We tried putting her to bed while Mike was here. It didn't work she came out like 7 seconds later. We gave up till after he left. She must have been tired because she went down fairly easy. Now come 2 AM, well that's ANOTHER story.
I went in there right when I heard her cry I was so certain she rolled off.. Nope she was just sitting at the foot board holding on. Looking lost. Ill give it to her.. it was dark. There has been A LOT of changes in her room and she was probably scared. I calmed her down got her back in all was well, or so I thought 2 -4 min later crying again. I went in and soothed her.. it was fine then I made the mistake of trying to get up. My old rickety knees cracked and she was fussing again. Tony came in to save the day. These two are peas in a pod they are soo stinkin' cute!
So he motioned for me to leave.. so I did. I figured he had it, no problems. I'm not really sure what all went down. All I know is I woke up in bed alone at 7am. No Tony to be found. I searched the living room first. Headed to the spare bedroom where I noticed
the comforter gone and my last spot.... Ava sleeping in her bed Tony shacked up next to her. Tony and Ava got up at 7:30. Tony was awoken to Ava giving him her blanket! Hahahah I love it.
She napped in there just fine today. An hour and 20 min.
Bedtime took a bit longer, about an hour of up and down in and out. I do have to say. Its SO cute when she comes out with her arms up, teetering down the hallway cus shes halfway sleeping , and laying her head on my leg. There wasn't much crying more whining. I did notice when I was in there she scoped out her bookcase.. So I know some of it is just getting used to her new surroundings.
I'm sure tomorrow will be even better!
These next 3 pictures are just some cute pictures from Aubrey, Ava's 3rd cousins Birthday!
No way Aubrey, look what you got! |
Lisa's husband Chris rubbed the balloon on Ava's head |
Just being her "Ava" self |