January 26, 2011

Ava is 17 months!

And we officially had our first melt down in public.
I kid you not, FULL ON, SCREAMING, KICKING, ROLLING ON THE FLOOR melt down. We were in Menards and she wanted to get out of the cart, I have NO IDEA, how we/why we've been letting her out of the cart. But either way its been happening. She doesn't run and she stays near by, but shes not a hand holder, and likes to push on the bottom rung of the cart where the wheels are. AGAIN I have NO idea when or how this happened it just kind of did. I'm sure it started out cute either with me or Tony and now its a problem.  The cart was all salty and dirty and a bit rusty... She didn't like no and that's how it all started.. basically we were THOSE parents. The one with the screaming child in the middle of a friggin store. Oh well. I always thought it was best to just let it all happen and not give it any thought or attention but I think Tony was doing the opposite of me so we were kind of working against each other. ANYWAYS I think she was overly tired which was part of it but it doesn't mean that its ok to not listen.

So Ava, you are 17 months today.
You are a bundle of energy. You love getting in to Mommys bathroom drawers and bringing things out.
Your new favorite is finger nail polish (not opened) I even painted your nail the other day you thought it was SO pretty but you wouldn't let me do any more.You love to play with your Snow White baby. You drag her and your blanket around the house.
You have Mommy and Daddy swaddle your baby and you put her in your stroller and bring her for rides.You like to share your drinks and snacks with your baby (Which is sometimes messy but cute)
You are finally ok with the "dirtiness" that is finger painting.

You've really picked up the vocabulary in the last month. I hear you saying ME a lot more. If you want to do something. More is more often said and signed at the same time now rather then just the sign. You love the word cheese.. and you love cheese in its self. Water,Milk, Doggy, Ball, Fish, Hip Hip Hooray, Oh No, Cow, Bird, Baby ;there are alot more that I am forgetting. But you've really started to carry on conversations with us. Dad and I find ourselves laughing at the conversations alot lately.

Its hard to believe its just going to be the three of us for just a few more short months. I find myself trying to make the most of each day while its just us.

You really enjoy dancing and singing. I would say dancing more then anything. Ive been looking at a tumbling class for you to get your groove on in ;) You love doing head, shoulders, knees and toes... now that you know its not just mommy acting crazy and that your friends do it too.

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