HELLLO from New York, No picture this week since Im late on this anyways ;)
How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is as big as a Spaghetti Squash
Average size: 1 pound
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes
Gender: Girl!
Movement: I have been feeling her Daily since about week 13. I used to REALLY feel her when I was flying. And this work week I SWEAR I have only felt her one kick on the plane. But when I get back to the apartment theres a party in there :D
Sleep: Fine :D
What I miss: Sushi specifically a restaurant called I Love Sushi in Las Vegas. I woke up literally tasting it yesterday.
Cravings: None this week. Some reason when I work I just eat what is available
Symptoms: My boobs are huge and I just LOVE it when people tell me that, Like I don't already know
Best Moment this week: I saw a girl with the City Mini Double stroller in the airport in JFK. I now THINK that will be my next stroller purchase. HA Im sure that will change when I am back to looking at the black BOB Duallie 12 AW.
I also think I figured out what I want to do in her room I have to run it by Tony though... I was on the plane when I saw a picture of it.
I was obsessed with the City Mini Double until I tried out the City Select today. Zomg that thing is amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the in put!!!! I read your FB comment back to me :D I got the joovy ergo for indoor mall stuff... most of our walks happen outside to the parks etc... I think Im back to a bob again. UGh why is this so hard!!!