Yesterday godfather Mike came to drop off Ava's Christmas gifts...
I think he was shocked/mad when we wanted to open them!
1- He was in front of us
2-I wanted him to see her loving on them
3- Honestly it takes about 15 min per gift if we don't help.. so yea!!
any time we can get a few presents out of the way, we are ALL for it!
She likes to hand the paper to us, Piece by little Piece |
She was a VERY lucky girl!
Mike got her a cute pink monkey with adjustable arms, A Vtech learning turtle! (we are sooo in need of older toys this was great!) and a pretty amazing TRIKE!!!
Her and Mike tore up the carpet going for rides from the living room to the bedroom.
First I *HAD* to giggle at his (Barbs) selection of a box. |
Tearing up carpet! |
Between the two of them.. yea this is the best one! :D
I have to say.. Mike knows how to give the best presents.
He has probably one of the biggest hearts I know.
So single ladies! I know a man if you are in need :D
We then quickly packed everyone up for the ride to Farmington
to see the Murphy's .
Ava LOOOVED playing with Claire and James
Here she is playing with James and his trucks. He was sooo sweet with her. |
She kept putting the man in the drivers seat. My smart girl! |
She got a really great stroller set from Bill and Kathy! It has a bouncy seat, a stroller, a pack and play, a high chair, a diaper bag and probably some other treasures I am missing. Her girlfriend Makena has the set so we KNEW she would like it. Its probably one of 3 toys the girls fight over.. It gives me a chuckle!
A SUPER cute hooded duck blanket that Caitlin made! Pictures to come its being washed right now!
Some stacking blocks from Tom, Julie, Caitlin and Kiera!
Ava LOOOOVES blocks... I think I shocked people when we asked for Lincoln logs and stacking blocks.
And some monies from Mary!!
Everything was sooo gratefully appreciated!
Ava was loving the party room and the company.
Oooh at one point she fell, quickly got back up.. like we didn't see her.. I was cracking up.
Usually if she falls she lays there for a second looking for sympathy.. HAHAHAH
I guess they learn embarrassment young.
Then we quickly made it to the Holidazzle!
We were in the HOT Seats.. which the tent was MUCH larger then I thought it was going to be
It was hard to take pictures against the glass
Daddy and Ava at the Holidazzle
Next year we will just sit outside. Its short enough that we can bundle up and be okay.
New Baby in tow and all ;)