How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a Mango (6inches .5lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes
Gender: Surprise! Just a healthy baby will do :D
Movement: Few and far between, But when I feel baby its like a huge PUNCH!
Sleep: Good- I have some leg cramping :/
What I miss: Sushi
Cravings: Apparently Cookies this week... but I think its because its Christmas and they are there
Symptoms: I have a growing bump
Best Moment this week: Its CHRISTMAS!
Yep! I wear glasses... I have to wear them until I go back to the clinic due to preservative buildup in my eye. Crazy right. So if you are using a multi purpose solution , think about changing to a preservative free solution. Clear Care is the newest and most up to date. You can find it at Target, and most other retailers. I haven't had a chance to use it but anytime I can find something that is more "natural" I'm all about it.
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