December 15, 2010

18 weeks!

Excuse the non smile smile. I need to ask Tony instead of trying myself
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a sweet potato
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes
Gender: Surprise! Just a healthy baby will do :D
Movement: Few and far between.. however I feel him/her most when I work
Sleep: Good :D
What I miss:Nothing really
Cravings: Hot sauce
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness
Best Moment this week: They are all the same so far :D

**Maybe if I am lucky I can get a bump picture if my husband will cooperate**


  1. You don't need a husband for that! A nice friend *cough cough, me* will be more than happy to do it. (If the husband doesn't cooperate).

  2. Yaay! I LOVE updates!! Sounds like everything is going smoothly! wahoo! You are MEANT to be PG! haha... maybe a Murphy 3.0...:D

  3. Yes, please post belly pics ASAP!

    PS- minus 2 pounds, you jerk! I had gained more than 20 pounds by the time I was 18 weeks with Jace, lol.

  4. Hahah Cyndi I might have to take you up on that offer...
    Caroline.. for some reason I would love a 3.0 right now.. like how that changed from a few weeks ago?!?! It can still change though
    Katrina.. well I still have 10 lbs from ava I didnt loose hahah sooo yeah whatever.. I think its different the 2nd time...and I think the fat just moves from one spot to a different hahahah after Murphy 2.0 I will be on a mission :D
