I had received a few emails asking if we still cloth diaper, as well as pretty much any time I go to work I get asked that question.
Its been about a year and 4 months that we have done cloth diapering.
Most of our stash, if you remember from this post, was mainly Bum Genius 3.0s, actually it was ALL Bum Genius 3.0s. We now have a dozen prefolds, thirsties covers and bummis covers. I was given 2 Fuzzi Bunz One sized diapers that I am still prepping, and 2 Bag Shot Row Bamboo ones that were from an acquaintance that I toss in every once in awhile and 1 Blueberry One Size diaper.
We also use cloth wipes. We have 2 packs of Thirsties Fab Wipes and 1 pack of Kissaluvs. I've also heard of people using cut up receiving blankets or just baby wash clothes. I wet them and place them in a Tupperware container that sits on the changing table in the wicker basket. Some users also place a little bit of baby wash in there. We were doing this for awhile with Earth Angel Mama Baby cleanser but Tony thought it smelled like baby vomit . . . so we just use water ;) You can however use any kid of baby cleanser you use for your baby. We use Sensitive Skin California Baby, it has no smell so I figured what was the point of using it in the wipes?
I have also since changed washing detergent. I use to use a mix that I would make (equal amounts of Washing Soda, Borax and OxiClean). I liked it a lot UNTIL I tried Rockin Green. Why didn't I go with Rockin Green in the beginning? Well everyone else was doing it. It seemed like a fad. I ended up buying some and doing some testing with Rockin Green. I have never seen my diapers whiter or returned back to their original state. I am for ever a Rockin Green user.
My stash will last me about 5 days with just Ava. I know with Murphy 2.0 and Ava we will be washing probably every 2 or 3 days in the beginning but honestly its not that hard. The hard part is keeping Ava from "helping" and taking the inserts or shells and putting them away in her room. What should take about 7-10 min of folding and stuffing takes about 30 chasing her around and trying to find which drawer she might have put them away in.
Where the magic happens :D The wicker basket is where the wipes are stored inside the Tupperware along with some random medical supplies |
Murphy 2.0 will be cloth diapered from the beginning, unlike Ava who we started at about 3 months. I was thinking about getting some Little Joeys.. or just using the thirsties duo size 1 covers we have from Ava and just using the newborn prefolds, We will probably end up doing this.
Some of my favorite places for shopping cloth diapers are All Things Diapers, located right down the street in Blaine :D, Peapods on Como Ave in St Paul, Green Mountain Diapers and of course Bebeology where our original stash was purchased.
If you have any questions about cloth diapering, I can only answer from my perspective and from what Ive had to deal with :D. I know a few of you were thinking about starting cloth diapering feel free to hit the contact me button on the upper left and email me
Oh my gosh! Look how cute your new blog is! I will get around to changing mine up one of these days but it seems complicated :)
ReplyDeleteI was actually just talking to Tate a few hours ago about possibly switching to cloth diapers once we move since I'll have my own laundry... but at this point I'm not sure the investment will make sense? haha.. I don't know, maybe I'm just scared to dive into the unknown. We'll see!
I had to do away with christmas since it was gone :)
ReplyDeleteWell on average as long as you dont go diaper crazy and depending on how long Jace is in diapers you SHOULD still come out ahead. Boys typically potty train later then girls. And you obviously want more kids and you can use the diapers on the next ones too :D
You inspired me to change mine! It took me forever, I had old code hiding everywhere.
ReplyDeleteLove your new blog look! I also LOVE cloth diapering.
Yah!!! I love that you love cloth diapering also.. im surprised by how many emails Ive gotten about this... and after the post! its so crazy... there are soo many people that want to cloth diaper but the choices are overwhelming and just the whole process in general. Hope you found some treasures at MOA!!!
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ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing post The particular facts I stubled onto helpful. I've made note of it and will eventually check-out again down the track. Thank you. Cool & soft Hanes Beefy T