December 2, 2010

Lets play catch up, Shall we?

We Moved! Ava's ONE! We're Pregnant!
Welcome back?!?! :D

After our townhouse was on the market, I think for about 28 days, it sold to a sweet couple
about the same age as us.  And with that we got to move to a house in Blaine.
We aren't far from our townhouse but it seems worlds apart.
Our basement is currently unfinished but that is our next BIG project!
We have a huge back yard that will be so great for the kids to run and play in!
The neighborhood is couples our age , blossoming with fresh kids everywhere,very active
in walking ,running playing at the park type people!

So Yeah 3 months ago Ava turned one!
We had 2 gatherings. One with our playgroup friends and
one with family.  Ava loves getting together with playgroup friends,
she loves other kids and so far is a good sharer! I'm sure that all will change
as she gets older but for now shes a nice level headed 15 month old!

And the last of our latest big news!
Ava is going to be a big sister!

We are due May 20th 2011
Murphy2.0 is currently team green,
meaning other then knowing its a baby we won't be finding out
the gender of the baby. . . at this time HA!
We decided rather then buy a whole new crib set we would
move our current delicious crib set to the new baby's room and
Ava would get a new set!
We will begin the switch after the holidays but BEFORE March.
I don't want her to feel like we stole her stuff and gave it to the baby!
I wont lie!  I'm nervous! 2 of them!  TWO! 
What do you do with two babies?!?!?
My good friend Cyndi just had her 2nd.. she makes it look like cake.
She came over today and Ava was just ENAMORED with Matthew.
She kept waving at him, wanting to love on him.
When Cyndi left Ava wouldn't put her baby doll down.
Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come.


  1. :) I wonder the some of the same things - how in the world do you manage 2 babies?! Especially when this young (ours will be 16 months apart). But, millions of women have done it before us, right? We got a baby for Jesse, and he loves it. Then he drops it or sits on, we'll see! He does love his new baby cousin though, so that's a promising sign. Congratulations on your house, baby, everything!

  2. And that's a great ultrasound picture! Is it 3D/4D?

  3. Its 4d! They just got a new machine! Yahhhhhh
