Apparently my boobs and thighs will just get big. Im guessing at this point GIRL Last week I was pretty sure boy |
How Far Along: 20 Weeks Wooooooah We're half way there!!
::Cue Bon Jovi, You're Welcome Holly! ::
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a Cantaloupe
Average size: 6.5 in, 10.6 oz
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -2 lbs (Keep in mind thats from the last appointment... after Christmas there is NO way im still at -2 )
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes
Gender: Surprise!
Movement: I feel 2.0 at least once a day now
Sleep: Good
What I miss: Sushi
Cravings: Candy Candy and more Candy :(
Symptoms: I have a growing bump
Best Moment this week: We are finally getting to paint Avas Room!!!
And we have our big ultrasound. This is where people usually find out what gender the baby is... Ill be excited to see the chambers of the heart and all the other organs :D
Adorable picture! Congrats on the halfway point!Karla